Residential Support Program


It is a program provided by the Ministry of Housing and the Real Estate Development Fund; The program aims to provide housing solutions that contribute to improving the lifestyle of the beneficiaries' families.

The Ministry of Housing wanted to pay great attention to the journey of owning the first home for Saudi families. This interest is represented in launching a housing project, which made the decision to buy a home an easier decision than before.

With the launch of the sakani program, Saudi families can now own a home through various options and facilities, with the abundance of projects, units and schemes offered through the sakani program.

Once the applicant fulfills the conditions of applying for my housing and completes the steps, he will be able to own his first home for him shortly.


What is a residential program ?

It is a program that seeks to provide many housing solutions to Saudis, by offering various real estate units in housing projects in multiple regions in the Kingdom. This comes from the government's support for citizens to own their own homes, and to provide easy payment systems.

The sakani program is a big step in the real estate field, and an opportunity for developers to set up multiple projects; To revitalize the real estate and economic market in the Kingdom.


What are the objectives of the sakani program ?

Sakani aims to increase the number of housing unit owners for the first time, through the government's cooperation with real estate developers in providing different types of homes, suitable for families and individuals at all levels, with easy payment systems.


When was the residential program launched?

The Sakana program was launched in 2017, by the Ministry of Housing and the Real Estate Development Fund, and the program aimed to allocate a very large number of residential products throughout the Kingdom in the year of the launch of the program and the years following.

What are the residential program projects and which cities are covered by the program ?

The housing program projects were numerous; As there are more than 50 housing projects that can be registered; To cover and meet the needs of all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.